Friday, June 3, 2011

More Than One DUI? Help Is On the Way

If you have had one or more prior convictions for a DUI, or what is commonly referred to as a "wet reckless", you do not want to go to court and try to resolve the case yourself or hire just any attorney. A second DUI, third DUI, felony DUI, or what is referred to as a multiple DUI arrest, will affect your future, mobility and freedom. Regardless if you are charged with a misdemeanor DUI or felony DUI, you need an Orange County DUI attorney to obtain the most favorable results.


Here's a list of what an experienced Orange County DUI attorney can do for you:
  • A DUI attorney knows the possible defenses along with the elements the prosecution must prove:
    - is the officer properly trained regarding field sobriety tests
    - were the field sobriety tests administered properly, to a proper candidate, in a proper environment
    - is the officer certified to use the breath testing equipment
    - was the breath device calibrated and maintained properly
    - was the blood sample drawn in the proper manner by the proper person
    - was the blood sample analyzed properly
    - was the vehicle legally stopped by the police
    - were correct procedures and admonitions used during the investigation and arrest

  • An Orange County DUI attorney also knows the means in which to gather the necessary information:
    - the police report, in most instances, will not provide you with a defense
    - a dui attorney will know what items are needed, who has them, and what to request or subpoena in order to find a defense, if it exists
    - does the agency have a dash camera, such as the Newport Beach police, which keeps audio and visual recordings of the investigation
    - which agency/ies maintain the breath device
    - how are times and results confirmed and certifications obtained

  • A DUI attorney knows the possible consequences from both the DMV and Court perspectives:
    - what occurs to the driver's license if the DMV is lost, but the Court is won and vice-a-versa
    - how long will the driver's license be suspended, revoked and/or restricted and what steps are needed to have full driving privileges restored
    - if the blood alcohol is this level, the prior is from this year and these circumstances exist, what is expected
    - the case is in this courthouse, where this Judge sits and these Deputy District Attorneys are present, what is expected
    - are there any alternatives to jail, what are they and how do I find out more about those possibilities

An experienced Orange County DUI attorney will not only defend you, but will give you the knowledge in which to make informed decisions about the case as a whole. The ultimate decision - to go to trial and fight the charge, or accept an offer. None of this will occur if you go into court without an attorney, or with one not experienced in DUI cases. You need a DUI attorney to obtain the best possible results for your individual case.